Mauritius beer specialities


New appearance, original taste. The original Zwickau beer seal from 1859 stands for the origins of the first pilsner from Zwickau.

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Urtyp Export

The aromatic export beer speciality with the strong golden colour is extremely popular and enjoyed by all, not just by passionate beer drinkers.

Bock Dunkel

A great pleasure: Enjoy the hearty, strong flavour of our Zwickauer Bock Dunkel.

Schwarzes Gold

The mild dark beer with character. For connoisseurs and aficionados of special beers, brewed according to an old, traditional recipe.


The golden-coloured winter beer with its slightly tart hop note and its pleasant full body is particularly enjoyable in wintertime.


The highlight of hops, which we rediscovered on the occasion of our 150th anniversary. Zwickau’s Hopfenkrone Original.

Natur-Radler / Shandy

It’s not only in summer that the blend of local beer and naturally cloudy lemonade proves to be a sparkling, fruity and refreshing beverage.

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Trabi-Beer Deluxe

We dedicate our export specialty beer, which comes in a convenient can, to a legend on wheels – Zwickau’s TRABANT.

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